Thursday, March 20, 2014

Preparing Adolescents for Responsible Adulthood

Today I found the first draft of our "rocket plan" to guide our sweet tweener through her teens and successfully launch her into adulthood. These goals were written while she was still in sixth grade. Hindsight proves it was definitely a good idea to have written something down before entering those crazy, changing years. Most of these goals came to fruition; some did not. But, we did have a plan and more or less stayed on course. This "rocket plan" would prove to take us through more peaceful teen years than stressful!
1st Draft - April 2, 1990

Never can we have claimed to have been the perfect parents of a perfect teen, and life was not always easy and often did not go as planned, but this book, Parenting Teens with Love and Logic assisted us tremendously! It is updated & expanded, but even more, it is still an invaluable resource for parents of teens!!

p.s. Tried and true...our daughter that these suggestions were practiced on safely launched is now living as a responsible and productive adult!! :-)

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

"Don't let pride or timidity come between you
and the presence of God."Beth Moore 


Friday, March 14, 2014

RESERVED FOR YOU! Living Proof Live Memphis Rally

L A D I E S!

We are super excited to share with you information about the Living Proof Live Rally on March 20, 2014 (6:30 PM). This is an opportunity for us to come together to pray and to hear a word (via video) from Beth. We will share multiple ways that you can be involved. Please help spread the word by sharing the invitation below with your friends, co-workers, and church members. Don't forget to RSVP below. This will help us to know how many to prepare goodies for. :0)

We have a seat reserved for you at the Rally!! See details below.


Thursday, March 13, 2014

Have a nugget of truth from Beth Moore?

What one quote / takeaway / nugget of truth from a Beth Moore Bible study or Living Proof Live event has impacted you the most? Want to share with us?


C H O S E N! Yep...Me!!

Oh. My. Goodness.

I am so excited to announce that I was actually chosen to be part of the children of the DAY Launch Team!! Can't wait to study 1 & 2 Thessalonians with Beth and all you Siestas!!

You can pre-order the Bible study by clicking on this link:

Stay tuned... there is more on the way :-)
