Tuesday, October 25, 2011

2011 DownLine Summit | Women of Legacy

2011 Women's DownLine Summit | Women of Legacy

The 2011 Women's DownLine Summit is just three "sleeps" away! When I think back on my first introduction to DownLine Ministries, it's hard to believe that was just two years ago! When I remember attending my first Women's DownLine Summit, it's hard to believe that was only last year! And now, it's just days away...

Am I excited? You betcha!! Am I pumped? You betcha!! I am anticipating the changes in ladies' lives who will be attending this year's Summit as last year's Summit changed mine...

January 2010 found me at such a low place in my life...especially in my marriage. Then came February and the Women's Summit and as a result, my world was turned right side up! But it just gets better. The 2010 DownLine Summit catapulted me into ministry and it only gets better and better. Remember the chorus
Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before? That could very well sum up my life since attending last year's Summit. Praise Him!! [and yes, my marriage is thriving!]

This year, I am not only attending the Women's Summit again, but am attending the 2011-2012 DownLine Institute for Women!! So, if I have any message for you sweet ladies, it is this: regardless of your season of life, regardless if you are on top of the world or in the pits, if you are longing to be used of God, if you desire to learn the "how to" of pouring your life into another, and "as you are going, make disciples", this is for you!!

As if that wasn't enough, the DownLine Women's Summit this weekend in Memphis, TN, is being hosted by my home church, Faith Baptist Bartlett! What an honor!!

To borrow a line from Kathryn Vaughn: "Each speaker has a unique and gifted ability to teach in a way that moves your heart AND your mind toward the things of God." To learn more about Vicki Courtney, Carol Kent, Donna Gaines, Ariyana Rimson, and Cheri Holcomb; the schedule for the weekend; and how to register click here.

DownLine is also offering a Pre Summit series this year. From their website:

What is the Pre Summit?

The Pre Summit is an exciting, new addition to our Summit series taking place during the day on Friday the 28th that will offer 3 workshops and a luncheon. The theme of the Pre Summit is going to be on “How to raise up Godly Women” using the framework of Titus 2. These workshops will provide RICH content for the ladies who are gaining a vision for Biblical disciple-making at the Summit. In other words, we want ladies to come away from the Summit encouraged to disciple, AND having some tools, or at least a vision, for WHAT to disciple younger women on…and certainly Titus 2 provides a great roadmap for this.."

Every one of us will leave a legacy; the question is, what kind of legacy do you want to pass on to the next generation(s)? If you are anything like me, your desire is to leave a Godly legacy for each generation following you!! You may be like me: an empty-nester, a brand new mother-in-law, or a grandmother. Ladies, we NEVER reach a season of life that we are not to be about our Father's business!

Come join us! My promise is you will not be disappointed!! Hope to see you; it won't be the same without you! Register here.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011

Who needs it?

It's July 4th weekend, my hubby has an extra day off work and was looking forward to a long and restful weekend lounging on the sofa, relaxing and watching golf on television. (Golf is his weekly highlight.) But, there are problems with our satellite reception.

Buz has been up and down the ladder too many times to count trying to adjust the satellite dish in the past two weeks. The "Searching for Signal" is all too familiar and has become a regular part of our television viewing. We had the oak tree cut back (A LOT) to make sure there weren't any branches blocking the dish. He even took my phone up with him to check the degrees (there is a compass on my phone). N-o-t-h-i-n-g! All for naught! Zilch!

Then last weekend his hard work paid off...he had it fixed! Or so he thought...the next day it was out again!! So here we are again. He just told me "we" had a problem. "No sweetie, you have a problem; I do not need t.v. " No, I did not say that. Television is his second love, I think. Buzzy cannot be at home without it on. Having the t.v. on makes him happy and I'm all for keeping him happy! He works hard all week and t.v. has become just about his only pleasure. He's still working on it.

No, wait; he's calling me..."Didder, will you come help me play a movie?" "Yes darling...I'll be right there!" (The movie? Marley & Me...oh yeah, he'll be crying, for sure!)
Love that man!!

Have a safe and fun Independence weekend! I don't think we'll be watching any t.v.; guess we might find some fireworks!!

...keep seeking the things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on the things above, not on the things that are on earth. ~Colossians 3:1(a),2

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Our God Is An Awesome God

As old as I am, and as much as God has done for me personally, I don't believe I'll ever get over His goodness! He is awesome!!

Out of the "blue", our daughter decided to sell her car. After talking it over and praying, my husband and I made the decision to buy it from her. We only signed the papers on it this past Friday!

Elizabeth and I prayed that the Lord would send someone who needed a car that we could just give my little Saturn to (affectionately referred to as the "little red tube of lipstick on wheels"). We were thinking about a first car for a teenager...little did we suspect who He wanted to have it.

My sister phoned me just last night (Monday) wanting to talk to my husband about who he might recommend to work on her car. It seems she just had a wreck this week and her car was totaled and could not be driven...it would not even start! Well, after talking to her, he called me and asked how I felt about giving her the Saturn. Hmm, not exactly whom I thought would be the answer to our prayer, but our Father knows best! His timing never ceases to amaze me!!

She phoned me just a while ago, unable to speak because of crying so hard. Her only income is disability, her health isn't great, her children live out of town. She was overcome with gratitude! Good!!

Now she knows how I have felt...when I was a single parent without much money, trying to raise a beautiful little girl by myself. My sister would go above and beyond to help us and there was no way for me to pay her back! Now, after all those many years, our Father has graciously allowed me to give to her!


None of this is said to pat myself or my husband on the backs; we are not anything much - not overly generous people! It is just to once more bow down, give Him thanks and worship our magnificent God Who loves to take care of His children...always in His time!!

Do you know Him?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Having A Lasting Impact

For some time now, I have been thinking about why Christians are not having more of an impact on society than we are. In our day, there are more Bibles, Christian speakers, Christian authors, Christian music, Christian churches than at any other time in history.

Perhaps it's just me, but it does appear that our society is becoming darker and darker AND more ignorant in God's word. Precious ladies have told me that if we look for the bad, then that's what we will find. That may be true, but when you're not looking for it and it's right there in your face, how is that explained?

Then others (also precious women, whom I love deeply) have commented they don't care about God's history, they only want application; this mystifies me. Wanting application is good, but without His story, all of His story, the discipline of observation and correct interpretation, there is no true application...we're still easily led astray without the truth of God's word buried deep within the very marrow of our bones. Something is terribly wrong if we are not creating that desire in another's life.

So I am pondering this terrifying thought: Am I creating that desire of knowing God intimately in others? Or am I simply giving the impression that God is only an acquaintance of mine? If I am not having a lasting impact in their lives...in other words, if they do not want what I have, if they are not drawn to Jesus, then I have to ask myself why not? Do they not see how passionate I am about my relationship with Jesus Christ? Do others not see that He is ALL I want? Is my life showing how good God is? Is my life bringing glory to God? If not, why not?

Just my thoughts...to be continued...