Twenty-six years ago today, I married my man...again...for the second time! We were married for one year, divorced for 4, and now repeating our vows once more. So what was different? What had changed?
For one thing, both of us has matured...a little. But we were committed this time, not only to one another and to our family, but to our Almighty God, who had brought this reconciliation about through our 4-year old daughter, Elizabeth.
Just a few weeks before, she had spent the weekend with her Daddy. He brought her home on Sunday afternoon, which was Mother's Day. She and I had planned to go to Pizza Hut and then to play putt-putt for our Mother's Day celebration. She took my hand with her little hand, looked up at me with those beautiful big hazel eyes and in her sweetest angelic voice asked "Can Daddy go eat with us Mommy?" Talk about being put on the spot! He was NOT in my plans! He and I did NOT socialize together!! But I could not deny her request. (By the way, she definitely has the ministry of reconciliation!)
We ate lunch together then we played miniature golf. The afternoon was delightful. Elizabeth and I went back to our home, he went to his. All was well. Except that the Lord was making my heart tender toward him and I did not want that!! Everytime I would ask the Lord to bring me a godly husband, He would bring Buzzy to my mind and did I argue about that!! My Mom and my best friend would say "You know you still love him; marry him the next time he asks!" Grrr!!!
That afternoon was so enjoyable that I called him a couple of days later and invited Elizabeth and myself to one of his softball games. He was hesitant, and when I pushed for a response, he informed me that so & so (one of his girlfriends) would be there. Which led me to say "It is either all of me or it's none of me!" I was not going down that path again!! That was the end of that and I was the better for it!!! I would continue on in my single life. Or so I thought...
The bottom line is that in less than one week after that declaration, he was asking me to marry him again. And I said "Yes!" Two weeks later we were married with our family and friends witnessing a ceremony we had thought would never happen. But God had other plans for us!!
We have been through a lot of turmoil, trials, and temptations. But God is faithful; His grace is sufficient! He brought us through all those fiery trials and is to this day, growing us up in Him. We still have a long way to go, but we're closer than when we first started! I remember Dr. Adrian Rogers would tell us that Christians have the same problems as non-Christians. That's true, but we have the power of Christ to fight our battles, to be our comfort, He is our strength. I wouldn't suggest anyone rush into marriage as we did both times. However, I can testify that No marriage is beyond hope! I have 26 years of proof! :-) Here's to 26 more!!
Glad I could be of some assistance. Congratulations on 26 years of more marriage! :) Love you.
ReplyDeleteHi vollmer, Had a similar experience. I married the same woman twice but we were at the divorce lawyer three times. The first time we cancelled the divorce.
ReplyDeleteWe are both believers. She left me this time for good, and is moving out of state. I know there is a need for help in this area ESP amongst believers so I am in the process of writing a book about it and my experience.
I am attending CWG (Christian Writers Guild) learning to write right. I have about five pages of notes and outline.
God has given me a heart for marriages and relationships. I asked the Lord, "Who am I, a divorced man, that I should write about marriage and relationships?"
He reminded me of 2 Cor 1:3,4 and said, "I am the God of all comfort and My ways work and mans do not." He also told me, now that I knew what we did wrong, I was to write the book to share those things with others. I practice my writing at http://jameslindquistswriting.blogspot.com/
(I'm NOT selling anything, just sharing.)
GB and congratulations on your remarriage. Praise God. I'll pray for 26 more for you both.
One of my followers asked me to do a future post on remarriage for Christians. I will post June 1, 2009.
If you like, you can check out my May archive for "This Side of the River." It is about my divorce and how God sometimes allows the removal of people in our lives. I received this word from a pastor and it helped me tremendously in healing.
I invite you to visit. Feel free to leave a comment and/or follow if you like my writing and subject.
Again, GBY Vollmer